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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Personal Barriers to Educational Enlightenment

As children, our education is a requirement. However, as working adults, we frequently neglect our continued education. But when it comes to things like history and the founding intentions of our system of government, we adults are the ones most affected by the results of actions based either in knowledge or ignorance, whichever the case may be. The governance of our society affects nearly every area of our lives.

Consistently, I see friends or family complain about Obama, the out of control federal government, a lack of state rights, national healthcare demands, the list goes on. In response, I usually provide resources which I know without a doubt pinpoint EXACTLY where the government is getting its undue power, along with a new, well defined "target", if you will, for conservative minds.

It's usually not long after this point that I often get one of two responses: (1) The sound of crickets chirping, or (2) "Cliff, I appreciate this, but that stuff is way over my head."

Let me say that I completely understand the reasons behind both responses. Really, I do. But when you don't understand something, the next logical course, if you are adequately incentivized, is to give priority to your own education. So while I understand not understanding, I don't understand not making an effort to increase your understanding.


I'm curious to know -- for the general populous out there, what are some of your personal barriers to educational enlightenment? A lack of time? Resources? Incentive? Do you think the content produced by myself and others at America's Remedy is too heavy? I'm always looking for ways to create easily-digestible "nuggets" of historical truths that can be quickly digested in short bursts. At the same time, I want to put out the larger "chunks" as well, for those who wish to dig deeper. To date, I have compressed four hours of seminar footage into a short 10-minute animation with narration and music. I have compressed this further into a single printed flyer. Recently, I wrote a short 20-page booklet. And I know many more mediums will follow.

I'm always looking to improve things. To execute better, more informative presentations; to offer fun, creative resources which inspire the mind and the heart to action; to reach out to an ever-expanding number of promotional venues, so that we might grow our audience; and of course, to constantly improve my own direction and education as well. But I'm also here to say, from the historians, teachers, bloggers and writers, the grassroots organizers and the up-start leaders of various movements -- at some point, the torch of responsibility is handed to the next in line.

My goal in writing this was not just to ask how I can do better, but also to inform those that know me that while ideas abound, the execution of which are often restricted by time or resources, at some point you, the reader, the Facebook follower, the video watcher -- YOU have to take hold of the reigns of your own education, and with any luck, you too will start to share what you've learned. Why? Because our liberty depends on it.

Personally, I like to start with the basics and go from there. And when I don't understand something, I ask questions. I repeat the discovery process over and over. Eventually, the content will start to sink in, and the lightbulb will go off. I promise you this will happen, but it takes persistence. Take the first tiny thing you learn and let that be your fuel for the next tiny thing. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Continuing to do the same things over and over again and expecting different results...well you know what they say. Let's stop the insanity and start getting educated on how this American experiment thing was really designed to work. Let's give priority to our history so that we can restore our future. Are you with me?

And now, for your educational pleasure, here are a few basics for consumption or review: 

(Video) What Happened to State-rights?:

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