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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Looping Back to Liberty - 16 Steps Illustrating the Decline and Subsequent Restoration of America

  1. People don't understand the system.
  2. A lack of knowledge coupled with being "fat and happy", combined with propaganda promotes apathy and stupid decisions by the people concerning their political choices. 
  3. Things get bad. People lose their homes, their jobs. The economy takes a nosedive.
  4. Things get SO bad, the media actually starts talking about it and folks like Ron Paul finally start getting recognized as honest people who are just telling the truth and waving the warning flag saying "You're headed for disaster! Save yourselves!!!"
  5. People slowly put two and two together and begin getting concerned.
  6. They participate in the rigged 2 party system. They check a box in a voting booth, voting for the "better" of two evils while still voting for evil, yet believing it will fix things.
  7. They fail, or they "succeed" by electing their chosen candidate which was already chosen for them by the rigged 2 party system.
  8. Things continue to get worse, whether slower or faster.
  9. The people get depressed and hopeless because they failed and the country is still going downhill.
  10. Things get worse. The people get concerned and even a little worried for their family, their children. A new Great Depression looms on the horizon.
  11. Things get SO bad, the media reveals a little deeper truth (like the devaluation of the dollar, the artificial propping up of our monetary system through inflation, etc.), people start studying a little more and then start to realize that even "weirder" folks like John Ainsworth and Cliff & Sara Muncy are really just honest people telling the truth, waving their warning flags, shouting "That system is rigged! The solution is in YOUR hands, not the politicians!! It takes more work than just a vote! Resistance is key! It takes personal sacrifice!" 
  12. The people realize the truth of what they are saying. They turn and humble themselves before God and pray for guidance. They start making efforts in their own lives to resist tyranny and to live moral, responsible lives. The country bands together and says "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We're not taking this any more! The government is OUR servant!" More people get on board to learn, promote, and live the philosophies of the founders. Philosophies like personal responsibility, morality, sound money, state citizenship, lawful/Constitutional government, LIBERTY!
  13. The Federal government resists and puts up the best fight it knows how.
  14. It fails because the people refuse to support it.
  15. Re-established, demi-sovereign states are once again re-populated as lawful body politics and independent countries. Over time, statutory laws and processes are re-examined to be eliminated or conform with the intent of the Constitution. Federal agencies are reduced greatly in number, and people's dependency upon them is reduced. People start depending on each other, their communities. The federal government is once again subject to the will of the states. The government is MUCH smaller. Income tax is GONE. Social security is GONE. Public education (as it is now) is GONE. Free markets return, productivity and profitability skyrocket, and small businesses are allowed to prosper. People no longer fear their government. Money is once again backed by precious metals. Inflation is GONE.
  16. The world once again respects America as a country whose people epitomize such words as "the land of the free, the home of the brave." The founders' sense of perseverance and dedication in maintaining the ideals of liberty is once again renewed in the minds of the people.

Will the people maintain their Republic?


"A woman asked Benjamin Franklin what type of government the Constitution was bringing into existence. Franklin replied, 'A republic, if you can keep it.' ”

Monday, July 09, 2012

Obsessing Over Professionalism

The blog below started out as an email to my wife, Sara, as a word of encouragement in her photography endeavors. Sara, I hope you continue to strive in what you do. Enjoy the gifts that God has provided, help others with those gifts, and He will provide you with everything you need.

I'm always amazed, especially in the photography industry, at how much angst and worry stems just from using (or wanting to use the word) "professional". Here's the definition:

Professional: engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime; having or showing the skill appropriate to a professional person; competent or skillful.

Check out this article I stumbled upon recently from one of our Photography friends on Facebook:

The standards created today, whether it be photography, graphic design, or heck, even carpentry, or auto mechanic (ie. pick your field) -- these standards are placed there by society, schooling, customer expectations, in comparing ourselves to others in the field, and often in standards-based organizations. They are also affected by technology, and just what is "possible", based on what has been done already. But, I for one believe that it is up to the "professional", indeed the business owner, to make the judgement call internally concerning where they currently reside and/or wish to go in the prices they charge, how they provide their service, where they will limit themselves in those services, and the level of quality they provide. After this is decided and/or obtained, it is ultimately up to their customers to decide upon their own happiness with the level of service they have received. This final indicator is the most important. This final indicator supersedes any college degree, any accreditation, or other outside inputs or criticisms. This is the true judge, for these are the people paying for the service. Customer feedback even supersedes our own shortcomings and/or self-criticisms. In my business experience, if the customer is happy, they'll let you know. If they're unhappy, they will also tell you.

My wife Sara has longed to continue growing her photography business and expanding her skills in this field. I have experience in this field as well, but I've learned even more being around her. I've tried to help Sara build her confidence and she's done some AMAZING work, both for design clients (business owners) I brought to the table, as well as some work she's done for newlyweds, engagement shoots and more. But one thing I've noticed along the way from hearing Sara talk about this field is just how much photographers compare themselves to each other. I suppose this happens in just about every field of study. But with photography, it seems to have escalated to the point of creating a new standard at which, unless you obtain it, you are no longer professional or "good enough".  Maybe somewhere along the line, the word "professional" started to mean "unless you're the best, you're not going to survive."

Back in 2000-2002, when I started out designing print media and websites, my work wasn't very artistic. Some of it wasn't really all that eye catching, and I'm sure the code/programming behind each site wasn't perfect in the least. I didn't have a college degree, and I wasn't "approved" by any organization. But my customers still paid me. They still loved that I was available to do the work. I was providing them with a website that served a purpose. It filled a need. Many of my customers referred me to new customers, and my clientele began to grow. With this growth, I learned more, got better with my designs, and made more customers happy.

Somewhere along the line, between our parents telling us that college was the only way to get a good job, and society expecting absolute perfection to the point of being "certified" for every single job and task on the planet -- somewhere, we lost our way. We began believing that this earth is perfect. We began believing that a service isn't a service unless it first passes the judgement of the government, the associations, and the school board. Somewhere along the way, we stopped being independent and thinking for ourselves. We also forgot how to have fun with what we do. Somewhere we stopped putting the customer first, and instead would rather rely on the expectations of people who aren't even paying us, even though the customer may quite often want something altogether different than what society "recommends."

It is my hope that we can get back to individual creativity, create our own standards of excellence, and stop comparing ourselves one with another. We're living in a connected world, so it's hard not to compare. But if we would take the time to occasionally disconnect, we would see that there are plenty of great customers in our own back yard who will absolutely adore our services, no matter where we were are in our professional journeys.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Independence Day or Dependence Day?

Do you celebrate Independence Day on July 4th? Most folks do. After all, fireworks are hard to resist. However, because the majority of Americans today recognize the government which was put into place March 2, 1867, they should actually be celebrating a little known holiday called Dependence Day. On March 2nd, 1867 the first of the unconstitutional Reconstruction Acts was passed. These acts annulled State governments, subjugated their citizens, created new States with new body politics (which are now being recognized), and unconstitutionally coerced the adoption of the 14th Amendment. This did away with states rights, nationalized our citizenship and totally removed the principles of self government and independence which had been established nearly 100 years before.

So this July 4th when someone says “Happy Independence Day”, perhaps your response should be, “Are you a state citizen?” Because unless they are, they may want to shoot their fireworks on March 2nd.

Check out the proclamation below for a short history lesson, and learn more about state citizenship at and


Whereas, on May 20, 1775 the Citizens of Mecklenburg County, North-Carolina proclaimed their Independence from the Crown of England, and;
Whereas, on July 4, 1776 the Representatives of the People of the several Colonies issued the Declaration of Independence, declaring the several Colonies independence from the Crown of England, and;
Whereas, on September 3, 1783 the Treaty of Paris was signed whereby the Crown of England acknowledged the Thirteen Colonies to be free, sovereign and Independent States, and;
Whereas, on March 4, 1789 the United States Government meets for the first time organized under the Constitution of the United States of America inaugurating George Washington as President, and;
Whereas North-Carolina maintained her Independence until November 21, 1789 when she voted to ratify the Constitution of the United States of America, and;
Whereas, The People of North-Carolina voted on February 28, 1861 to remain in the American Union, and;
Whereas, the people of North-Carolina believed that the Federal United States Government could not force one State to wage war upon another State, and;
Whereas on April 15, 1861 President Abraham Lincoln called on North-Carolina Governor John Ellis to provide two regiments of troops to wage war upon the principles of “all government of right comes from the consent of the governed” and “the people have a right to alter or abolish their form of government,” and;
Whereas, the people of North-Carolina were forced to decide to fight for President Lincoln or for the principles this Country was founded upon, and;
Whereas, Governor John Ellis replied to President Lincoln “I can be no party to this wicked violation of the laws of the country and to this war upon the liberties of a free people. You can get no troops from North Carolina.” and;
Whereas, North-Carolina left the American Union on May 20, 1861, and;
Whereas, in July of 1861, both houses of the United States Congress passed resolutions that the war was not for any purpose of conquest or subjugation and was in fact to “preserve the union with all the dignity, equality and rights of the several States unimpaired.,” and;
Whereas, The Armies of Abraham Lincoln were victorious, and;
Whereas, the Radical Republicans of the 39th Congress of the United States Government, having a super majority, on March 2, 1867, passed an unconstitutional enactment, called the Reconstruction Act, that annulled State governments, subjugated their citizens, created new States with new body politics and unconstitutionally coerced the adoption of the 14thAmendment to the United States Constitution, and;
Whereas, the 14th Amendment “rid this nation of that pestilent heresy of states rights” through nationalizing citizenship and creating a “national” government in place of the Federal government established in the Constitution, and;
Whereas, James Madison stated in Federalist Paper # 39 “The idea of a national government involves in it, not only an authority over the individual citizens, but an indefinite supremacy over all persons and things, so far as they are objects of lawful government.” and;
Whereas, James Madison went on to say “In this relation, then, the proposed government cannot be deemed a national one; since its jurisdiction extends to certain enumerated objects only, and leaves to the several States a residuary and inviolable sovereignty over all other objects.” and;
Whereas, the United States Supreme Court stated in Elk Vs Wilkins, concerning national citizenship as founded in the 14th Amendment “The evident meaning of these last words is, not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction, and owing them direct and immediate allegiance.,” and;
Whereas, July 4th has been considered the date of the birth of Independence in our country, and;
Whereas, on March 2, 1867, the principles of self government and an Independent people were snuffed out giving The United States of America a new birth in Dependence upon the National Government.
Therefore be it proclaimed by John C. Ainsworth, Chief Magistrate of the North-Carolina American Republic, Re-established, December 1, 1997 that March 2, 2010 be celebrated as Dependence Day, in celebration of the 14thAmendment making United States citizens residing in North-Carolina dependent upon the National Government.
Done this Second day of March in the year of our Lord two thousand and ten.
John C. Ainsworth, Chief Magistrate